I am not receiving notification from the TT Lock when the door is opened or closed

Please assist. I am not receiving notification from the TT Lock when the door is opened or closed. Need help urgently

I am not receiving notification from the TT Lock when the door is opened or closed 1

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If you’re not receiving notifications from your TTLock smart lock when your door is opened or closed, it could be due to a few reasons. Here are some steps you could take to address this issue:

  1. Check App Notifications: Ensure notifications are enabled for the TTLock app in your phone’s settings. The steps to check this depend on whether you use an iPhone or Android device.
    • Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > TTLock > Notifications for Android and ensure the switch is toggled on.
    • For iPhone, go to Settings > Notifications > TTLock and ensure that “Allow Notifications” is toggled on.
  2. Check In-app Settings: Ensure you enable notifications when the door is opened or closed.
    • Open the TTLock app and check your notification settings.
    • Choose the TTlock you want to receive the notifications and click setting.
    • Find the unlocking notifications at the button on the setting page and enable it.
  3. Ensure Strong Internet Connection: Ensure your smartphone and the TT Lock have a stable internet connection. Notifications may not be sent successfully if the connection is poor.
  4. Check Battery Levels: Ensure that the lock’s battery levels are satisfactory. Low battery levels can cause functionality issues.
  5. Update the App and Firmware: Check any updates available for the TT Lock app in your device’s app store and install them. Similarly, check for firmware updates for the lock through the app.

Remember that the instructions for accessing the notification settings in the TT Lock app can vary depending on the version of the app. If you can’t find the correct settings, refer to the app’s help center or user manual.

For more TTlock problems and troubleshooting, please check this article: TTlock Troubleshooting: Here Are Everything You Need To Know.