TTlock can not be opened via card, code, or the TTlock app. The speaker of the TTlock says: “Secure lock is on.”

Hi, our lock cannot be opened via card, code, or the TTlock app. The speaker of the lock says: “Secure lock is on,” and in the app, it shows the text (translated from German): “The lock is double-locked.” Opening failed.

How can we open the lock again?

Thanks for the help, Thomas

TTlock can not be opened via card, code, or the TTlock app. TTlock says: "Secure lock is on." 1

Best Answered by

I’m sorry to hear about the issues you’re experiencing with your lock. It sounds like a security feature has been activated on your lock. Here’s what you can try:

  1. Lock-out mode: Maye the TTlock has entered lock-out mode due to too many incorrect password attempts, then it has a built-in security feature to prevent unauthorized access or brute force attacks. Now, you should wait for the lock-out duration, which is 5 minutes in your case. After this period, the lock should automatically exit the lock-out mode.
  2. Correct Password: Once the 5-minute duration is over, ensure that you enter the correct password, use the right card, or access through the TTlock app. Ensure not to enter the wrong password again to prevent the lock from re-entering lock mode.
  3. Manual Override (if available): Some electronic locks have a physical override feature, like a keyhole hidden under a cover. If your lock has this feature, use the provided manual key to unlock it.
  4. TTLock App:
    • After waiting 5 minutes, attempt to unlock the door using the TTlock app while you are within Bluetooth range.
    • It’s crucial to ensure you use an account with the appropriate permissions, preferably an admin account.
    • Verify that the app is updated to its latest version.
    • Check if the app has a feature or setting to turn off the “double-lock” or “secure lock” feature.
    • Consider reaching out through the app’s support or feedback feature for assistance.
  5. Power Cycle: If possible, try removing the batteries for a minute and then reinstalling them. This might help to reset any temporary glitches in the system.
  6. Resetting the Lock: If there’s a way to reset the lock to factory settings, you might want to consider it. However, be cautious, as resetting the lock might erase all stored data, including user codes and card information. After the reset, you must set up the lock and users from scratch. Check your user manual for reset instructions.
  7. Contact Manufacturer/Support: If the above steps don’t work, it might be a good idea to contact the manufacturer or the support team of the lock directly. They might have specific troubleshooting steps or offer guidance on resolving the issue.
  8. Local Locksmith: If all else fails, consider calling a local locksmith. They might have experience with this type of lock and can offer assistance in unlocking it without causing damage.

I hope one of these solutions helps you resolve the lock issue. Safety first: Always ensure you can safely exit your property in emergencies. If the lock is on an exit door, it might be wise to address the issue sooner rather than later.