How do I re-charge or replace the TTlock battery?

I have a TTLock that is showing the battery at 35%. How do I re-charge or replace the battery in this system? Many thanks.

How do I re-charge or replace the TTlock battery? 1

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The TTLock smart locks usually use replaceable batteries, most commonly AA batteries, but this may depend on your specific model. Here are the general steps on how you can replace them:

  1. Locate the Battery Compartment: Usually, it’s on the inside part of the door. Depending on the model, you might need a screwdriver to open the compartment.
  2. Remove the Old Batteries: Take out the old batteries from the compartment.
  3. Insert New Batteries: Add new batteries, ensuring you follow the correct polarity (+/-). It’s usually recommended to use alkaline batteries for better performance and longevity.
  4. Close the Compartment: Securely close the battery compartment. If needed, use your screwdriver to fasten it.

After replacing the batteries, the lock should function normally. If you’re still having trouble, it might be a different issue with the lock, and you might need to contact TTLock support.

Remember, if your TTLock has a low battery warning feature (via app notifications or audible alerts from the lock), it’s best to replace the batteries as soon as you receive this warning to ensure continuous operation.

For more information about TTlock, you can check this article: TTlock: Everything About TTlock Usage And ‘How To’ Guide.