Saflok lock batteries run fast and need to replace the battery every couple of weeks

We have a Saflok in one of our hotel rooms, and we must replace the battery every couple of weeks. Curious if there is a fix for this issue or if replacement is required.

Saflok lock batteries run fast and need to replace the battery every couple of weeks 1

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If your Saflok lock is quickly depleting batteries, there are a few possible causes. Let’s go through them and try to find a solution:

  1. Quality of Batteries: Make sure you’re using high-quality batteries. Low-quality batteries can drain quickly and won’t provide the required power for the lock to operate efficiently.
  2. Check Lock Mechanism: Examine the lock mechanism for damage, wear, or misalignment signs. If the lock has to exert more effort than usual to engage or disengage the lock, it can cause the batteries to drain quickly.
  3. Check Deadbolt Installation: Make sure the deadbolt is not too tight. If the deadbolt is too tight, it will require more power to lock and unlock, causing the batteries to drain quickly.
  4. Lubricate Deadbolt and Keyhole: Extend the deadbolt halfway out and spray a lubricant like WD40 into the deadbolt slot. If this does not alleviate the tightness, spray the same lubricant into the keyhole.
  5. Loosen the Deadbolt Fixing Screws: If lubrication does not solve the problem, try loosening the screws that fix the deadbolt in place.
  6. Adjust Interior Panel Screws: Remove the battery cover and adjust the screws that secure the interior panel. The thumb turn should be able to lock and unlock smoothly after this adjustment.
  7. Adjust Mounting Plate Screws: If adjusting the interior panel screws does not work, uninstall the interior panel, loosen the screws on both sides of the mounting plate, and make slight adjustments until the deadbolt locks and unlocks smoothly.
  8. Software or Firmware: Check for any updates available for your lock’s software or firmware. Sometimes, bugs in these systems can cause power management issues, leading to a fast battery drain.
  9. Environmental Factors: Extreme cold or heat can also affect the battery life of electronic devices, including smart locks. If the lock is exposed to harsh weather conditions, it could affect its battery life.
  10. Reset the Lock: In some cases, resetting the lock to its factory settings can help. This action can eliminate any software issues causing the power drain.
  11. Contact Manufacturer: If none of these suggestions work, I recommend contacting Saflok’s customer support. They can assist further and identify whether the lock is faulty and needs replacing.

Remember, regular battery replacements have a cost implication and can also risk the room’s security if the battery drains completely and the lock stops working.

For more Saflok hotel door lock system problems and troubleshooting, please check this article: Saflok Troubleshooting: Comprehensive and Detailed Guidance.