Buyer Guide

How to Lock Hornbill Smart Lock? Details Guide With Multiple Ways

How to Lock Hornbill Smart Lock? Details Guide With Multiple Ways

Last Updated on May 2, 2024 by Vincent Zhu


As an integral part of the modern smart home ecosystem, the Hornbill Smart keyless Lock stands out for its advanced features and ease of use. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to lock and unlock your Hornbill Smart Lock effectively.

You can generally lock your Hornbill smart lock with a passcode, Smartphone App, physical Key, thumb turn, voice Commands, fobs, and fingerprint.

Whether you’re a tech-savvy homeowner or new to smart home technology, understanding how to operate your Hornbill lock is key to maximizing its benefits for home security and convenience.

Initial Setup and Installation

Setting up your Hornbill Smart Lock correctly is the first step towards ensuring your home’s security and taking full advantage of its smart features. Here’s a guide to help you through installation, from gathering the necessary tools to configuring the lock with your smartphone.

  1. Gathering Necessary Tools:
    • Before beginning the installation, ensure you have all the required tools. Typically, you’ll need a screwdriver, possibly a drill (if you need to make new holes), and the installation kit with the lock.
    • It’s also a good idea to have your smartphone handy, as you’ll need it for connecting the lock to the app.
  2. Removing the Existing Lock (if applicable):
    • If you’re replacing an existing lock, start by carefully removing it. This usually involves unscrewing the lock from the door and gently pulling out the lock mechanism and deadbolt.
  3. Installing the Hornbill Smart Lock:
    • Follow the instructions provided in the Hornbill Smart Lock manual. This will typically involve attaching the new deadbolt, installing the lock mechanism, and securing the lock’s exterior and interior components to the door.
    • Ensure all parts are aligned correctly and the lock mechanism operates smoothly before tightening all screws.
  4. Connecting to the Smartphone App:
    • Download the Hornbill app on your smartphone, available on both iOS and Android platforms.
    • Open the app and create an account or log in if you already have one.
    • Follow the in-app instructions to pair your Hornbill Smart Lock with your smartphone. This usually involves pressing a button on the lock to make it discoverable and then connecting to it via the app.
  5. Setting Up User Accounts and Configuring Settings:
    • Once your lock is connected to the app, you can set up user accounts for family members or guests. This might involve assigning unique access codes or granting access permissions.
    • Configure the initial settings according to your preferences. This can include setting up auto-lock and auto-unlock features, adjusting lock sounds, and customizing notifications.
  6. Testing the Lock:
    • After installation, test the lock several times to ensure it locks and unlocks both manually and via the app. Check that the deadbolt extends and retracts smoothly without any obstruction.
  7. Troubleshooting:
    • If you encounter issues during installation, refer to the manual’s troubleshooting section. Common issues might include alignment problems or connectivity challenges with the app.

Following these steps, your Hornbill Smart Lock should be installed and operational. Remember, taking your time to carefully install and set up your lock can significantly enhance its performance and your overall experience.

Using the Smartphone App

The Hornbill Smart Lock pairs with a dedicated smartphone app, transforming your phone into a digital key. Additionally, the app provides real-time access records, allowing users to monitor who enters and exits their homes, ensuring peace of mind.

Whether you’re on vacation, need to let a neighbor in, or want to check if you locked the door on your way out, the app has you covered.

Steps lock:

  1. Open the Hornbill app on your smartphone. Ensure that your phone is connected to the internet or your local network.
  2. Select your Hornbill Smart Lock from the list of devices in the app.
  3. You will see a ‘Lock’ button on the screen. Tap this button to lock your door. The app should confirm that the door is locked.

Locking with a Passcode

The Hornbill Smart Lock features a digital keypad that allows users to input a numeric code to gain access. Additionally, the Anti-Peep feature ensures that even if someone watches you enter the code, they won’t be able to replicate it, safeguarding against potential security breaches.

  1. Approach the lock and wake up the keypad if it’s not lit. This is usually done by pressing any button on the keypad.
  2. Enter your unique passcode using the keypad. Passcodes are typically 4-8 digits long.
  3. After entering the passcode, press the designated ‘Lock’ button on the keypad (if your model requires this step). Some models might lock immediately after the correct passcode is entered.
  4. The lock should engage, securing the door.

Locking with Fobs

Fobs are small electronic devices that communicate with the Hornbill Smart Lock using radio-frequency identification (RFID). They are the perfect solution for those who prefer a tangible unlocking method without the traditional key hassle.

  1. Ensure that your fob is programmed and paired with your Hornbill Smart Lock. This is usually done during the initial setup.
  2. Approach the door with the fob in hand.
  3. Press the lock button on the fob. The fob’s range to work effectively is usually within a few feet of the lock.
  4. The lock will engage upon receiving the signal from the fob.

Locking with Auto-Lock feature

To lock your Hornbill Smart Lock using the auto-lock feature, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Hornbill Smart app on your smartphone and log into your account.
  2. To enable the auto-lock feature, go to the app’s settings and select “Auto-Lock.” Here, you can customize the time interval after which the lock will automatically engage

Locking with Fingerprint

The Hornbill Smart Lock has a high-sensitivity OLED Anti-Peep Keypad and 3D fingerprint technology. This advanced scanner captures a user’s fingerprint’s unique ridges and patterns. This method provides a keyless entry and ensures that only registered fingerprints can access the property, adding an extra layer of security.

  1. Make sure your fingerprint is registered in the lock’s system. This is typically done through the lock’s app or programming mode.
  2. Approach the lock and place your registered fingerprint on the fingerprint reader. This is usually located on the lock’s keypad or a separate reader.
  3. The lock should recognize your fingerprint and activate the locking mechanism.
  4. Wait for confirmation, which might be a visual or audible signal indicating the lock is engaged.

Using Physical Key

Despite its advanced features, the Hornbill Smart Lock also has a traditional keyhole, allowing users to lock their doors the old-fashioned way. This method ensures that no matter the situation, you always have a reliable way to access your home.

Steps lock:

  • Insert the key into the keyhole on the exterior part of the lock.
  • Turn the key as you would with a traditional lock to engage the deadbolt and secure the door.

Using your thumb-turn Manual Locking from the inside.

If you prefer to lock your door manually or if your phone is inaccessible, you can use your thumb to turn on the interior part of the lock. Turn the thumb to the locked position. This will engage the deadbolt and secure the door.

Using Alexa Voice Commands

The Hornbill Smart Lock can be paired with Amazon’s Alexa, enabling users to lock or unlock their doors using simple voice commands. Whether you’re juggling groceries and can’t reach for your keys or ensuring everything is locked up before bedtime, a simple voice command to Alexa ensures your home’s security is taken care of.

  1. Make sure your Hornbill Smart Lock is linked with your Amazon Alexa device.
  2. Use the wake word for your Alexa device, like “Alexa.”
  3. Give the command to lock your door. For instance, say, “Alexa, lock the front door.”
  4. Alexa will respond once the door has been successfully locked.

Using Google Home Integration

The Hornbill Smart Lock can be integrated with Google Home, allowing users to control their lock using voice commands through their Google Assistant.

  1. Ensure your Hornbill Smart Lock is connected and set up with your Google Home system.
  2. Say the wake command for your Google Home device, such as “Hey Google” or “OK Google.”
  3. Then, issue the lock command. For example, say, “Hey Google, lock the front door.”
  4. Google Assistant will confirm once the door is locked.

Each method provides a quick and secure way to lock your Hornbill Smart Lock. The convenience of using a passcode, fob, or fingerprint allows for easy access control and enhances the overall security of your property. Always ensure the lock confirms the engagement through a sound, light, or notification on the app to verify that your door is securely locked.

How to unlock Hornbill Smart Lock?

The Hornbill Smart Lock offers many unlocking methods for user preferences and situations. Let’s delve into a detailed description of how each of these methods works:

  1. Fingerprint:
    • Register your fingerprint via the Hornbill app or directly on the lock (usually by following prompts).
    • Place the registered finger on the scanner.
    • The lock will process the fingerprint and unlock within 0.3 seconds if it matches a registered print.
  2. Fobs:
    • Register your fob with the lock, usually by placing it near it and following prompts.
    • To unlock, tap the fob against the designated area on the lock or bring it close enough for the lock to detect it.
    • The door will unlock upon successful detection of the registered fob.
  3. Passcode:
    • Set up a unique passcode via the Hornbill app or directly on the lock’s keypad.
    • Approach the lock and activate the keypad (some models may have a touch or proximity activation feature).
    • Enter the registered passcode using the keypad.
    • Upon successful verification, the lock will disengage, allowing entry.
  4. Smartphone APP Control:
    • Download the Hornbill app from your smartphone’s app store and register an account.
    • Pair the app with your Hornbill Smart Lock using the provided instructions (usually involves scanning a QR code or entering the lock’s unique ID).
    • Once paired, open the app when you’re within Bluetooth range of the lock.
    • Select the unlock option within the app. The lock will communicate with the app via Bluetooth and unlock upon successful verification.
  5. Bluetooth:
    • Ensure your device’s Bluetooth is turned on and has previously been paired with the lock.
    • Approach the lock. The lock will detect your device when you’re within the Bluetooth range (typically a few meters).
    • Depending on the settings, the lock may automatically unlock upon detecting the paired device, or you might need to send an unlock command via an app or button press.
  6. WiFi Remote Access:
    • Ensure your Hornbill Smart Lock is connected to your home’s WiFi network. This might require an additional gateway or adapter.
    • Open the Hornbill app on your smartphone, even if you’re miles away from home.
    • Navigate to the remote access section of the app.
    • Select the unlock option. The command will be sent to the lock over the internet through your home’s WiFi network, prompting it to unlock.
  7. Google Home Integration:
    • Please set up your Smart Lock with the Hornbill app and ensure it’s connected to WiFi.
    • Open the Google Home app and add the Hornbill Smart Lock as a new device.
    • Follow the prompts to link your Hornbill account with Google Home.
    • Once set up, say, “Hey Google, unlock the front door.” Google Assistant will communicate with the lock and unlock it upon successful verification.
  8. Alexa Voice Control:
    • Ensure your Hornbill Smart Lock is set up with the Hornbill app and connected to WiFi.
    • Open the Alexa app and search for the Hornbill Smart Lock skill. Please enable it.
    • Link your Hornbill account with Alexa by following the provided instructions.
    • Once integrated, you can say, “Alexa, unlock the front door.” Alexa will then send the command to the lock, granting access upon successful verification.
  9. Physical Key:
    • Insert the provided physical key into the lock’s keyhole.
    • Turn the key as you would with a traditional lock.
    • The lock will disengage, allowing you to open the door.

The Hornbill Smart Lock’s diverse unlocking methods showcase its adaptability and user-centric design. These digital unlocking methods highlight Hornbill’s commitment to providing users with advanced, convenient, and secure access solutions.


This guide covers the key steps for effectively using and maintaining your Hornbill Smart Lock. By utilizing the lock’s diverse features and adhering to maintenance best practices, you can significantly enhance your home’s security and convenience. Regular updates, battery checks, and physical maintenance are essential for your smart lock’s longevity and optimal performance.


Vincent Zhu

Vincent Zhu Vincent Zhu has 10 years of smart lock system experience and specializes in offering hotel door lock systems and home door lock system solutions from design, configuration, installation, and troubleshooting. Whether you want to install an RFID keyless door lock for your hotel, a keyless keypad door lock for your home door, or have any other questions and troubleshooting requests about smart door locks, don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

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