I’m having trouble with the internet connection on my U-Bolt-Pro-Wifi When I try to install the updates

I’m having trouble with the internet connection on my U-Bolt-Pro-Wifi. In short, it disconnects from the internet, especially when I’m trying to upload the wifi update. The Bluetooth update has been updated without a problem.

Your App reports that my Wifi signal is “Good(-35dB).” I’ve gone through the troubleshooting phase. My Synology router has about a dozen other items connected. The signal for the router is fine, and I don’t have any trouble with the connections on the other devices.

When I try to install the updates, I have varying degrees of success. Sometimes, the progress wheel doesn’t change at all. Sometimes, I get 10%. I’ve gotten 90+ a couple of times only to get the message: “Failed to update the firmware. Please try again.” I’d appreciate any tips or assistance that you could provide. Thanks,

I'm having trouble with the internet connection on my U-Bolt-Pro-Wifi When I try to install the updates 1

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You seem to be experiencing issues with U-Bolt Pro Wi-Fi’s internet connectivity, specifically when uploading the Wi-Fi update. There could be several reasons for this:

  1. Distance: Even though your router shows good signal strength, the distance between your lock and your router might be too much, causing the device to lose connection.
  2. Interference: Your U-Bolt Pro may suffer from interference from other devices or building materials. This can include other Wi-Fi devices, cordless phones, microwaves, or metal structures.
  3. Device Overload: Routers can only handle several devices before the performance drops. Even though your other devices function fine, adding another device might push it over its limit.
  4. Software Issue: The issue may be with the lock’s software, particularly if it disconnects during updates.

To help solve this problem, you could try the following:

  • Bring Closer: Try moving your router closer to the door lock or use a Wi-Fi extender to improve signal strength where the lock is installed.
  • Reduce Interference: Move any potential sources of interference away from the path between the lock and the router.
  • Limit Connections: If possible, try reducing the number of devices connected to your router, at least temporarily, to see if that improves the connectivity of the lock.
  • Restart Your Router: Try rebooting your Wi-Fi router by unplugging it for a minute and then plugging it back in. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve connectivity issues.
  • Reset: Try a full lock reset and see if that allows you to connect and update successfully.
  • Contact Customer Support: If the issue persists, contacting the manufacturer’s customer support might be best. They can provide guidance tailored specifically to your product and situation.

Please note that updating the device’s firmware should ideally be done when your network isn’t too busy, and the device is within a good range of your router to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted update.

For more U-Bolt Pro problems and troubleshooting, you can check this article: Ultraloq U-Bolt Pro Troubleshooting: Step-by-Step Guidance.