Can anyone buy a Salto PPD to open the Salto lock and enter the apartment whenever, wherever? How does this work?

I am currently living in a building where they use Salto locks. I recently locked myself out because my batteries were running low. So I had security come over and they managed to enter my apartment with the Salto PPD. But does this mean anyone that buys a PPD can enter any apartment whenever, wherever? How does this work?

Can anyone buy a Salto PPD to open the Salto lock and enter the apartment wherever? 1

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Salto Portable Programming Device (PPD) is a tool administrator or locksmiths use to program Salto to lock systems. It transfers information from the ProAccess SPACE software to the standalone electronic locks and cylinders and collects audit trail information back from the locks.

While it’s technically possible for someone to buy a Salto PPD, it wouldn’t be useful without the appropriate access rights and data from the ProAccess SPACE software. The building management or security personnel typically control this software and set and control access permissions for individual users and locks.

Therefore, having a PPD doesn’t mean someone can access any Salto lock. They would need the appropriate access rights, which are usually protected and managed very carefully by the administrator.

Additionally, the Salto system allows for a detailed audit trail, meaning any unauthorized access could be traced back to the person who attempted it.

If you are concerned about your Salto lock’s security, I recommend speaking with your building management or a security professional. They can provide more specific information about the safeguards to prevent unauthorized access.