Buyer Guide

How Much Does It Cost to Copy A Key? Comprehensive Guide

How Much Does It Cost to Copy A Key? Comprehensive Guide

Dive into our in-depth guide about How Much It Costs to Copy A Key. We break down price factors from type and complexity to service provider. Be informed and get the best value for your money.

Last Updated on May 2, 2024 by Vincent Zhu

Keys are vital in our lives, keeping our homes, offices, and vehicles secure. But what happens when you need a duplicate? Knowing the cost of copying a key is essential for budgeting, whether for an emergency, a new roommate, or having a spare.

The price can vary significantly based on factors like the key type, complexity, where you copy a key and more. This guide is designed to clearly understand these costs, helping you make an informed decision when needed.

How much does it cost to copy a key?

The cost of copying a key can vary widely depending on the key type and where you’re having the key made. Here are some general estimates:

  1. Basic House Door Key: This is usually the cheapest key to copy and typically costs between $1 and $5 per key at most hardware stores and locksmiths.
  2. Decorative Basic Door: Due to their unique designs and materials, decorative basic doors can cost a bit more, ranging from $5 to $15 or more.
  3. Car keys can be expensive, especially with electronic chips or fobs. A basic car key without any special features can still be copied for around $5 to $10, but a key with a transponder chip can cost anywhere from $50 to $200. Some high-end or newer model cars may require specialized programming of the key, which can increase the cost significantly, sometimes up to $500.
  4. High-Security Keys: Keys for high-security locks, like those used in some commercial properties or certain high-security residential locks, can also cost more to duplicate, typically starting around $20 and up.
  5. Smart Keys: The price of smart keys, such as those used with smart home systems, can vary significantly depending on the system and type of key.
  6. Luggage or Safe Key: These keys can vary, but they are typically between $5 and $10.
  7. High-Security Key: Due to their complex designs and the expertise needed to duplicate them, High-Security Key: High-security keys can start from around $20 and go up from there.
  8. Chipped or Transponder Key: Due to the electronic component embedded in the key, these keys can cost $50 to $200. The price can go up to $500 or more if the key requires specialized programming or if the car is a high-end model.

Remember, prices can vary depending on your location and the specific service provider you use. For the most accurate estimate, contact a local locksmith or hardware store.

How much does it cost to copy a key at Walmart?

The cost of key duplication at Walmart can vary depending on the type of key and your location, but generally,  a basic door or car key copy could cost between $2 and $6.

Please note that not all Walmart locations offer key copying services, and the ones that do may be unable to duplicate more specialized keys like transponder car keys or high-security house keys.

Walmart also has self-service key duplication kiosks in some stores provided by MinuteKey. This service costs $2 to $6 for a basic key but offers more specialized keys at varying prices.

You should contact your local Walmart or check their website for the most accurate information. They should be able to provide up-to-date pricing and availability for their key copying services.

How much does it cost to copy a key at Home Depot?

The cost of copying a key at Home Depot will vary depending on the key type; a basic house key or car key copy typically costs around $1.50 to $3.00.

Home Depot can also make more specialized keys, like decorative or electronic keys, but these can cost significantly more, depending on the specific type and complexity of the key. For example, car keys with electronic components or specialized high-security keys can cost significantly more.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, contact your local Home Depot or visit their website. They can provide specific pricing for their key copying services.

How much does it cost to copy a key at ACE Hardware?

Like most other key duplication services, Ace Hardware’s prices vary depending on the type of key you need to be duplicated. A basic house key or car key copy typically costs around $2 to $5 at Ace Hardware.

More specialized keys, such as those with electronic components, decorative designs, or high-security features, will likely be more expensive. The exact cost can depend on the specific type of key, the store’s pricing, and your location.

For the most accurate and current pricing, it’s best to contact your local Ace Hardware directly or check their website, as they can provide specific information about their key copying services.

How much does it cost to copy a key at Lowes?

At Lowe’s, the cost of key copying can vary depending on the key type. A basic house key or car key copy costs around $1.50 to $3.00.

More complex keys, such as those with electronic components, decorative designs, or high-security features, can cost more due to the additional work and specialized equipment required.

Please note that not all Lowe’s stores can duplicate every type of key, especially more complex car keys with transponder chips.

For the most accurate and current information, it’s recommended to contact your local Lowe’s store or check their website for details on their key copying services and pricing.

How much does a locksmith cost to make a car key?

The cost of having a locksmith make a car key can vary quite a bit depending on several factors:

  1. Type of Key: Traditional car keys without special features are usually the cheapest to replace, often costing $50 to $100. However, newer cars often use electronic, transponder, or fob keys, which can be significantly more expensive due to the electronic components and programming required. These can often cost between $100 to $300, although some high-end models can cost even more.
  2. Locksmith’s Rates: Different locksmiths can charge different rates for their services. Some charge a flat rate for car key replacement, while others may charge an hourly rate.
  3. Service Call: If the locksmith needs to come to your location to make the key, you may also need to pay a service call fee. This fee can vary depending on the distance the locksmith needs to travel and the time of day. After-hours or emergency calls can be more expensive.
  4. Vehicle’s Make and Model: The cost can also depend on the make and model of your vehicle. Some vehicles have more complex security systems that require more expensive keys and more work to program.
  5. Key Code Availability: If the key code for your vehicle is available, it can make the process quicker and cheaper. If it isn’t, the locksmith will need to use specialized equipment to decode your lock, which can increase the cost.

Given these variables, providing a precise cost without more specific information is difficult. However, generally, you can expect to pay between $50 and $300 for a car key replacement from a locksmith. For the most accurate estimate, it would be best to contact a local locksmith and provide them with information about your specific vehicle and situation.

How much does it cost to copy a house key?

The cost to copy a basic house key can vary depending on your location and where you choose to have the key made. However, most hardware stores and locksmiths generally charge between $1.50 and $4.00 for a basic house key.

However, specialized keys can be more expensive to duplicate. For example, keys for high-security locks, decorative keys, or keys made from special materials may all cost more.

It’s always a good idea to check with local locksmiths or hardware stores for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing in your area.

How much does it cost to copy a key fob?

The cost of copying a key fob can vary significantly depending on the type of fob and where it is duplicated.

  1. RFID Key Fobs: These are often used for apartment buildings or secure workplaces. Copying these can range from about $20 to $50, depending on the type of fob and the service used.
  2. Automotive Key Fobs: The cost of duplicating a car key fob can vary greatly depending on the make and model of the vehicle and whether the key also needs to be programmed to start the car. A simple fob replacement might cost around $50 to $100, while a fob for a modern vehicle that also includes a transponder key can cost anywhere from $100 to over $500.
  3. Smart Home Key Fobs: If you’re duplicating a key fob for a smart lock system, the cost will likely depend on the specific brand and model of the lock. It’s best to check with the manufacturer or a locksmith for more detailed pricing.

What are the factors affecting the price of copying a key?

Several factors can influence the price of copying a key:

  • Type of Key: A standard house key is typically the least expensive to duplicate. Car keys, especially those with transponders or microchips, can be much more expensive. High-security keys, such as those for commercial buildings, may cost more.
  • Complexity: The more complex the key, the more expensive it can be to duplicate. Complex keys have more cuts or may require more sophisticated machinery to duplicate.
  • Material: The material used to make the key can also affect the price. Most keys are made from brass or steel, but if you want a key made from a more expensive material, it will cost more.
  • Service Provider: Prices can vary depending on where the key is copied. Hardware and home improvement stores may offer lower prices, while a professional locksmith might charge more due to the added convenience and expertise.
  • Location: Your area’s living and business operating expenses can also affect the price. For example, getting a key copied in a city with a high cost of living may be more expensive than in a smaller town.
  • Locksmith Visits: If a locksmith has to come to your location to make the key, you may also need to pay a service fee. This can vary significantly based on your location and the specific locksmith.
  • Special Features: If the key has special features, like a decorative or novelty key, it might cost more to duplicate.
  • Emergency or After-Hours Service: If you need a key copied outside of normal business hours, a locksmith might charge an additional fee for this service.

Again, these are general estimates, and actual prices can vary. Always check with local locksmiths or key duplication services for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing.


Understanding the costs of copying a key can help you make more informed decisions and avoid unexpected expenses. The price range can vary widely, with factors like the type of key, its complexity, and the service provider playing a significant role.

While duplicating a basic house key at a local hardware store can be fairly inexpensive, getting a high-tech car key or a specialized security key duplicated can be more costly.

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Vincent Zhu

Vincent Zhu Vincent Zhu has 10 years of smart lock system experience and specializes in offering hotel door lock systems and home door lock system solutions from design, configuration, installation, and troubleshooting. Whether you want to install an RFID keyless door lock for your hotel, a keyless keypad door lock for your home door, or have any other questions and troubleshooting requests about smart door locks, don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

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