


最後更新於 2 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日 朱文森

酒店電子門鎖 作為整體安全計劃的一部分,安裝是安全性和便利性的絕佳選擇。

為商業應用和一些居民區安裝電子 RFID 酒店門鎖意義重大且令人欣慰。



The preparation of the hotel door lock installation

1. Confirm the hotel door lock status: The RFID酒店鎖 安裝條件符合安裝要求。 例如:是否有電源? 有沒有特別的人? 裝修是否完成等

2. Confirm the center distance: 55mm and 70mm are two kinds of center distance.


3. Confirm the door lock thickness: door lock thickness requirements: 38mm-55mm special needs according to individual requirements.

(門鎖的深度不同。門鎖的鎖芯、固定螺絲長度、打孔要求是另外的,請您解釋一下 酒店鎖製造商 訂購時。)

4. Confirm the door lock’s left and right opening: the door has left and right open directions and the corresponding door lock has gone. Directly free points, when ordering, should be stated; the installation should choose the same path as the door opening door lock.

Left open door lock definition: The person stands outside the door, opens inward, the hinge is on the left, and the door is left open. Right open door lock definition: The strap is on the right side, and the right door is open.


1. Draw the opening line: divide the door’s front, back, and sidelines according to the opening pattern provided by the factory. (See the specific figure for the particular hole drawing)

2. Draw the front opening line of the door: Determine the 門鎖的安裝 高度。把手位置尺寸為距門底90CM。 (舊入口改造,但門還是一樣。) 根據打孔圖,畫出沖孔線。

3. Draw the opening line on the back of the door: Draw a line on the end of the door like above.

4. Draw the gate’s side opening line: First, draw the center of the door’s side and press the opening line on the bottom for punching.

5. Draw the door frame’s opening line: After installing the lock core, open the door frame’s opening line according to the lock core (according to the whole drawing requirements).


Digging holes for electric door lock installation



2:通過繪製開口線挖側孔。 注意:側門鎖是開啟最重要的環節之一。 小心開孔,防止光纖飛散,防止機會過大粗糙。

打開現場後,用鎖芯檢查。 如果不合適,請相應地更正。

3、按圖孔挖門框門。 注意:門框開孔尺寸一定要大,以防虛位和門鎖被晃動。 (詳見打孔後圖)。


  • 打開包裝後,首先檢查門鎖零件是否齊全,方向是否與房間一致,並用電池測試電腦鎖芯和電路板是否正常工作,然後開始安裝門鎖:
  • Install the lock cylinder: Install the lock cylinder into the door panel and insert the connector into the inner panel. All the fixing holes meet the requirements.
  • 安裝機械鎖:將機械鎖安裝到鎖芯中,並用螺釘固定,以檢查機械鑰匙是否可以打開門。
  • 安裝前鎖體:將鎖芯的四角轉套調整到正確位置(四角套內腔上標有方孔和彈簧),將前鎖體插入鎖中門板。 注意:電路板不能硬裝,電路板損壞,跳線斷線。
  • 鎖體安裝後:鎖體安裝後與前鎖體相同,上緊定螺釘。 注意:安裝前後鎖體應與門平行。
  • 左、右距離不宜調整,使鎖芯手柄與水平方向一致。 調整上下長度,使鎖扣與鎖芯的垂直運動保持一致。
  • Install the battery box: Install the battery and box in the corresponding position; connect the wire plug and open it with the opening card.
  • 安裝側固定板:根據安裝好的鎖芯,安裝門框孔,安裝膠盒和側固定板——注意:位置調整。
  • 調試開門,門鎖初始配置:可使用開門卡(各種開門卡)開門; 機械鑰匙可以開門。

The above is the whole process of installing the smart hotel lock. Professional matters are left to professionals, and intelligent hotel door lock installation work is still handed over to a professional installation company to do more appropriately.

您也可以用架空安裝您的酒店門鎖 安裝指導視頻 指令。




Vincent Zhu Vincent Zhu擁有10年智能鎖系統經驗,專業提供酒店門鎖系統和家居門鎖系統從設計、配置、安裝到故障排除的解決方案。 無論您想為您的酒店安裝 RFID 無鑰匙門鎖,為您的家門安裝無鑰匙鍵槃門鎖,還是對智能門鎖有任何其他問題和故障排除請求,請隨時與我聯繫。


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