Vingcard 4320 is not returning the key cards and get stuck

My Vingcard 4320 is not returning the key cards; they get stuck. I’ve opened it and done my best to clean it, but still not working.

Vingcard 4320 is not returning the key cards and get stuck 1

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If your VingCard 4320 is not returning key cards and they get stuck even after you’ve opened and cleaned them, there might be a mechanical issue or a misalignment within the card reader mechanism. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem:

  1. Inspect for Obstructions: Carefully inspect the card insertion slot and the internal card path for any obstructions or foreign objects that might be causing the cards to get stuck.
  2. Check for Physical Damage: Examine the card reader for any signs of physical damage, wear, or misalignment that might interfere with the card’s movement.
  3. Clean Thoroughly: Use a card reader cleaning card designed to clean the internal components of card readers. Follow the instructions on the cleaning card package. Gently clean any accessible parts of the card path with a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid using excessive force or harsh chemicals that could damage the components.
  4. Check the Rollers or Mechanism: If you can safely access the rollers or the mechanism that transports the cards, ensure they are clean and functioning smoothly. Sometimes, worn-out rollers or a misaligned mechanism can cause feeding issues.
  5. Ensure Correct Card Use: Ensure that the cards being inserted are not bent, damaged, or otherwise physically compromised, as this can cause them to get stuck.
  6. Test with Different Cards: Try using different cards to see if the issue is with specific cards or the reader.
  7. Consider Replacement: If the card reader is old or the repair costs are prohibitive, replacing the unit might be more cost-effective.

Regular maintenance and gentle handling are key to ensuring card readers’ longevity and proper functioning, like the VingCard 4320.

For more Vingcard lock problems and troubleshooting, please check this article: Vingcard Door Lock Manual Troubleshooting: Step by Step Guide!